Box of 50s goodies?(updated with photos of SWISS hankies)


VFG Vice President
VFG Past President
Hello, I purchased a box of goodies that was stored away since the 50s. Being this stuff was stored away since the 50s I am not sure if it is all 50s. Some items I am able to tell that they are from the 50s but others I am not sure of.

I received some satin beaded handbags, some leather bucket handbags with embroided pictures, some hats, stockings that require garters, hankercheifs made in switzerland, and a completely beaded belt with people dancing on it.

Honestly, I am not sure how to research some of this stuff because I dont know what words to use to describe them accurately and I could also use help in determining key words.

May I post questions and pictures of some of these items I am unsure of in one post so I don't take up too much space please?

Thank you, Caryn
Caryn I think a good starting point is to put up one or two photos for every one to see. ( you could do one or two items at a time)

If they have lables on then you can use google or search on here for the designer. you never know what pops up ,
Thanks Pauline. I have looked up labels. Most of the stuff does not have labels though. I am still researching but will post the stuff I need help with after but I just do not want to flutter the board with multiple posts.
Midge - I have loads of hankies from Switzerland from my trunk purchase. Have been sitting staring at them wondering what to do with them since I know nothing. Perhaps I will get some pics to get your input...if you wouldn't mind.
Thanks Barbara, I appreciate your continuious kindness and willingness to help me.

Thanks Karin, I will post those scarves when I get some time.

Aside from my business I have 5 children ranging in ages from 3-9 and it is summer so they are keeping me quite busy.

Karin, Here are some photos of the scarves. No name sadly, just made in Switzerland stickers. They are black with floral details and scallopped edges. They probably have a very low monetary value but I they are pretty. I am going to keep them and pass them down to my daughter when she gets older; maybe as something old when she gets married. I am thinking way ahead. She is only 5 years old, haha.

Here are a few photos

1st hankie




2nd hankie




Thanks, Caryn
Caryn, thanks for posting. They are quite cute! How big are they? Just wondering if they're actually hankies or scarves.

The embroidery is machine-made from what I can see. The one thing that I find a little peculiar is that they're black... usually things like these are white or pastel-colored. Age-wise I guess they could be anything from 50s to modern, though probably these days things like these would be harder to find.
These might also be the kind of thing that you could find in a souvenir shop here, I think.
Hm, might ask my mom - she was a tourguide in the 60s and 70s, she had to take her groups to souvenir shops as part of the job :lol:.

Hi Karin, I am estimating because I wrapped them up and put them away but they are about 11" squared. They are definitely hankies.
I did find another vintage black swiss hankie for sale on ebay but just one so they are rare.
I would not think that they could be any newer than the 60s because everything I took out of the box has been either 50s or 60s so far and the previous wearer thought she had them packed away in the box since the 50s.

I appreciate your help.

Thank you, Caryn
Hi Karin, Well thanks for checking on that for me. I will just hold onto these. They are pretty.

Thank you, Caryn