Braindead! Could I get some description help please? late 50s spring outfit?

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Vintage Sedona

Would this be late 1950s or early 1960s? The fabric is unusual as it is the lilac pattern with a sheer illusion over it, quite misty and pretty. I would love some suggestions.

So far I have 50s Enchanting Misty Lilac Spring Dress & Coat L

Is that okay or a snoredom? Is it day or evening? Hay-yulp! And thanks!

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I like enchanting misty Looks like a cusper to me.

Or Garden or Morning Dew Liliacs

Its gorgeous!
Actually I guess that would be very early morning like getting in at 4 AM when the dew settles and everything is closed!!!
to me it almost looks like a photoprint with the color skewed to purple, but perhaps when you are closer to it you can tell its not.

Make sure even if you put lilac in the title, put purple in the description also.
PS do my eyes deceive or does this fall into the sheath/wiggle category?

And I think it could go day or evening depending on how one worked it. spriing/summer evening out, but summer afternoon wedding too. It looks like it could be eastery too.

A breathe of spring air amid the dark of winter's gloom

I love that coat. Would that be a shawl collar? It's very Patricia Neilson!!

Red hat Society ladies may like it too! They wear purple dresses with the red hats. I looked up when they are having thier annual meeting but can't remember now when it is. ( guess that means I am of age to join)
Good idea regarding the red hat society. It's a larger size too!

What's the red hat society?? It sounds intriguing. Do share!

Its a society of women that wear red hats and purple dresses. you have to be a certain age to join and wear the red hat and purple dress but they take younger gals in ( I can't remember what they wear)

Here is the website

They have a big meeting somewhere every year

They have a poem that they say When I get old I can wear red hats with purple dresses. ( something like that)
It should be on the site.
Mainly because they can do what ever they want in thier old age.
Definatley c. 1960 that BIG print is typical and the wide cummerbund style waist.

Just don't put Red Hat Society in the title. I did that once and got a legal request to cease and desist.