Brenda lee Johnson-The Closer Vintage Fashion Wearer

I think one of our members sold a suit for the show and it aired on an episode. Was it Jody (

I am a fan of Kyra Sedgwick, but never remember to catch the show. Although I have seen a few episodes and like it a lot. I am just not much of a TV watcher except for old movies on TCM.
Brenda, I think it was Lauren/Poshpig, who is not currently a member.
A couple years ago--on ebay--I sold suits to the wardrobe stylist of that show.

Ive never watched the TV show though~
I've been watching it quite a bit lately, but have only caught her in a couple of vintage items--a suit jacket (though the skirt wasn't the matching skirt for it) and a sweater or two.

I had a hard time getting "into" this show, but the more I watch it, the more I like it. Love Fritz (he's so cute and such a warm kinda guy).