Brimfield Antique Show/Sturbridge Vintage Textile Show (and check out my sale!)


Staff member
I'm closing down my Etsy store tomorrow because I'm packing up my inventory and heading for the Brimfield Antique Show, in Western Massachusetts. Supposedly it is the biggest outdoor antique show in the world, and the buying and selling are unmatched The show is divided into 20 "fields" each with different opening and closing times and their own set of selling rules, so there's fresh merchandise every day.

It is truly a life-changing experience, even if you just go for the people watching. And it's a good way to get some miles on your pedometer. This aerial photo shows just a small part of it:


The week kicks off with the Sturbridge Vintage Fashion Antique Textile Show where you can shop for, or at least ogle, some of the best textiles/vintage fashion in the world. VFG Member Tangerine Vintage will be selling her amazing vintage fashions there, so be sure to check out her booth.

I will be selling in the Mahogany Ridge Fashion Tent along with about 10 other vintage clothing dealers. We open at sunrise on Tuesday (ugh) and will be there through Sunday.

Before I close my shop for the week I am running a sale in my Etsy shop - 30% off everything. Sale ends tonight and whatever is still there gets packed up for my booth.


So shop the Etsy sale, shop the shows, or just come by and say hello!