Bringing new invetory home - what's your procedure?


VFG Board Member
Bringing new invetory home - what\'s your procedure?

I am trying to streamline the way I store inventory. Right now, my car is serving as storage on wheels. I desperately want to stop that. But let's be real, I'm not going to stop shopping.

How do you process or store new inventory so you don't end up with bags or bins of stuff? Do you clean first then store?

If there's goodwill stuff in the buy, that goes to the Goodwill on the way home if at all possible. Never in the house.

The it all comes in. Then inventoried. Get sorted by needs cleaning and doesn't. Washable and drycleaning are separated. Then to the local cleaners with those, and set the good cleaners stuff aside for the 30 mile trip when I have enough.

Then wash as needed. Then steam and press and mend as needed. Pick up the cleaning. Photo. Write Measure.

Then it gets stocked with the rest of th einventory by period.

Then start all over.

I buy out large estates and I store my unsorted items on a closed back porch. Never store it near your sorted clean or listed items just in case there are moths or other bugs. Thats my biggest concern is to keep them apart.
I try and sort and clean as fast as I can too.
My sorted, listed and clean items go in a shop that is seperate from the house.
Hi Lucy :hiya:
Yeah, I never mix the clean with the unclean. I've already had experiences with moths. I just found some stuff in storage that I want to clean and list but unfortunately I found a moth nibble in one of them - a DVF tie top. I think it may be a sample. Pesky moths.

I'm just trying to improve my current system.
I don't keep a lot of stock, so I have a usually empty sorting rack in my studio.

When it's a big buy, it's a bit of a zoo.

Goodwill what I dont want.

Wash clean mend them post on site then catalog in excell put in #bins and racks.

Unlisted stuff goes in large clear bins until I get a chance to get to it. I try not to let this build up. If I get a huge load I keep on porch until I get to it which takes a few days. I dont let it stay there.

I would keep overstock in labeled bins.....

I process huge quantities of stock: usually sorting it first into wash or dry clean immediately (depends on what I need in the shop quickly) and then the rest goes into my stock room for sorting into categories (dresses, jackets etc). The theory goes that when I need stock I dip into this.

It's essential to keep washed and unwashed separate though, and although I love cedar and lavender have found that they're not strong enough to get rid of existing moths and silverfish. Every thing gets inspected when I buy it or soon after, and anything with signs of insects gets either washed, dry cleaned or frozen immediately.

I usually dry clean anything woolen and wash the washables. My biggest problem is I have way too much stuff and not enough time to list them. But does it stop me from shopping? Noooo!

I think I will restrict myself until i can get lots of stuff listed and put into the mall space.
Did you get the mall space you where looking at a couple of months ago?

If you are ever in Hollywood on a regular basis, I know The Best & Cheapest Dry cleaners on Beverly Blvd. I would send designer dresses,Antique dresses & t- shirts to them. Never did they mess anything up or miss a spot, Plus Cheap Cheap Cheap!! I would just leave them my bags from jet-rag, out-of the closet & others right after purchacing. I think the cross street was martel or a few blocks closer to LaBrea on the North side of Beverly.