Calling All Research Gurus - BERNATH & CO.

Well I love a good research challenge and I am coming up nearly empty. Aside from 1 article which apparently mentions this company (do not have full access so have to wait for my librarian sister to send to me) I cant find nothing about BERNATH & CO.

My dry cleaner GAVE me this coat today. An elderly woman was getting rid of all of her old things and brought this in - when she found out price of cleaning she told the dry cleaner to throw it away. After some thought, my lovely dry cleaner pulled it out of trash can, cleaned it, and gave it to me today when I went to pick up latest wallet killing round of cleaning. Anyhoo, it is a hunter green suede - or I believe it is suede. It has no buttons and without its belt reminds me of a swing coat. The sleeves are larger at wrists than the top (love that) and it is in wonderful condition.

Have attached pics of coat and label - the label reads:

Madison Ave. at 56th St.
New York

Again - sure nothing super important but this label is intriguing and if any of you research gurus want a challenge - would love the help!




Bernath Info.

Hi there! Came across this forum when I was doing a web search for Bernath so I am jumping in to see if I may also get more info on this company. Attached are photos of a jacket I aqcuired from my late mo-in-law's closet w/ a similar label to the one in the previous photos submitted by Maureen. Would love hear from anyone with more info.
I would want Lynne's permission...if ok with her I could forwar you info. However, I think I am seeing a bonnie cashin label on your coat which would be much more important and helpful in dating your coat. Perhaps you are already aware...
Hey Jonathan,

Lynne said she sent all info to you direct. If you get a minute, I would love to see your shirt. I know you are busy, i am just kind of interested to see more from Bernath. Must have been fairly high quality store.

hi I'm new here but wondered if you could tell me something about Bernath label? I would really appreciate it. I have a coat, that I think belonged to my's black, knee lenght, lovely soft, velvet like material and label says Bernath, 551 madison avenue, new york...without the & Co bit. I would be very grateful for any information you can share. Marija