Calling all shoe experts! Need help please.

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by bluevelvetvintage, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. bluevelvetvintage

    bluevelvetvintage VFG Member

    Can someone tell me if these shoes are from the 40s or 50s? They're a kind of mesh and some other type of material. But don't have a clue how to describe. Any suggestions?


    Blue Velvet Vintage



  2. bartondoll

    bartondoll Guest

    I think they are early 50s, but I'm just going by some pics I
    saw this afternoon when I was looking for hat scans for Gayle.

    Jonathan is getting his new computer today, and hopefully will be back on
    board soon!

  3. pastperfect2

    pastperfect2 Alumni +

    Are they a straw braid applied to mesh? They look very similar to a pair of my mother's, although hers are a natural straw. And early 50s works for me.

  4. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    It looks like you are just fine without me!

    Yup, early 50s.
  5. bluevelvetvintage

    bluevelvetvintage VFG Member

    Alrighty then. 50's it is.

    Hollis, now that you mention it, the shoes do look like there is some kind of straw attached to the mesh part. I never would have figured that out in a million years!

    Thanks so much for the info. You guys are great!

  6. bartondoll

    bartondoll Guest

    WWWWWHHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO...I got a shoe date right!!! First time ever. :D
  7. rjroni1

    rjroni1 Registered Guest

    Sue you are so funny!<p>
    Those shoes are sooo cute! If I could wear heels that is what I would be buying! Definitly look 50's to me as well!:)

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