Can anyone confirm my 60s guess??


Registered Guest
Metal zipper. Union Label used from 63-74.





I'm leaning towards mid 60s.... Am I off my rocker??
hmmmm.. well not my eras... but with the cuffs I wouod guess more early 70s,,,,

But this is a formal(wedding dress?) and not my era so we shall see what the others say :-) it does have a nice empire line huh?

very pretty though!:drinking2:
Yup, early 70s here, too! I got married in 1974 (the first time--LOL!), and my brother had gotten married in 1971. My SIL's dress and our bridesmaids' dresses had those sleeves, and I remember trying on several with similar ones. I also made my prom dress 1972, and it had almost identical sleeves. Lovely lace trim & neckline, btw!
oh yes 74-95

I forgot.... her is a link

Ebay has them pictuered so you can see.... this is that label... also you said care instructions.... does it look like modern care instructions? if so you are looking at 1981...

Hope that helps.... and there are dresses still made today with metal zippers, usualy quality items as the tend to be more durable. I have a ballroom dance dress ( like an 800 dress i got at good will) with a metal zip.
Perfect! Thanks so much!

The care instructions are not modern and do not have material contents. But I'm putting that in my note! Modern care instructions after 1981... My brain is on overload and my notes are getting pretty big! :fainting:

You ladies are AMAZING as always. And I greatly appreciate your help!


OT: I'm still waiting on my copy of Melody's book from Amazon. Amazon takes FOREVER....
One more question, is there an "official" name for this type of sleeve??

How would you describe the sleeves??

You ladies are wonderful. I'd buy ya all a pitcher of Sangria if you were here!!
They are shirtwaist style sleeve just a deeper cuff than usual. I think I remember them being marketed as Gibson girl sleeves. I think...

Main Entry: Gibson girl
Function: adjective
Etymology: Charles D. Gibson
Date: 1936
: of or relating to a style especially in women's clothing characterized by high necks, full sleeves, and wasp waists

Dictionary: Gibson girl
The American young woman of the 1890s as idealized in sketches by the American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944).
Of or relating to a clothing style marked by a high neck, puffed sleeves, and a tightly fitted waistline.