Can anyone date a men's wool bathing suit?


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Can anyone date a men\'s wool bathing suit?

Ha ha ha, I bought this for the fiancé, but um, needless to say, he wasn't too keen in putting the "boys" in it for the summer. He's like, "have you lost it?". Ah well ;)... anyhoo, can anyone date these? Do they sell well?

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The actual style and the pocket gives me a 60s vibe, but i always picture synthetics for 60s, so don't quote me on that. It could be earlier.

I am sure a better expert will come along...

You know, the only wool bathing suits I have seen are older. This could be 50s.
Is there a label?

It is late 30s, or possibly 40s. Until about 1932, men's suits were still one piece tank top and trunks. Then a zipper was put in between the tank and trunks. By 1936, just the trunks were being sold, but in some places men who tried to wear them were arrested for indecency!

I don't know how well they sell, but women's suits from that era do very well, especially if they are knit in more than one color. A very deco-looking one went for over $200 a few weeks ago.

Tell Joe he's nuts! (no pun intended) :BAGUSE:

I think it rocks!! But then again, I am not accused of being 'normal' very often!!

I think it's peachy keen! Try going for the rockabilly angle. If all else fails, go for the dark side of the force. Pitch it as male fetish, gay interest, figure hugging men's wool swim trunks.

I couldn't hurt!! :horny:

Whoa! What just a dawg-gone minute!! What Joe isn't going to model the trunks for us!! What a rip off!! I feel so cheated!!! :wow:

Good luck Vixie ~
Did you get those new charts I emailed you? I wasn't sure if I was sending them to your work email or Joe's!!
I think the right people will find it without having to have an "angle". i would think 30s/40s men's swim trunks/bathing suit that looks to be in excellent condition would be draw enough....