Can anyone date this blouse? 30s? 40s?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone!
I listed this awhile ago, and it didn't sell. I think it's rather nice, but sheesh, what do I know about blouses ;)
Anyhoo, it's made by Royal, has diamond like buttons, except for the last one, which is clear. I'm not sure if it was replaced or meant to be tucked in.
Any ideas?
Also, what is the neckline called?
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Oh, and here's the tag.
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I remember you showing this on VCA - I still think it's really cool!!

I think the bottom button is different a lot 'cos it was meant to be tucked in (at least that's what I've always supposed)

Re: the neck, you mean the straight collar or the bow? The bow ties are being marketed right now as scarf-tied or pussy-bow. As for the collar I can only think of Nehru, but that's not right...


(oh, and as for date - I honestly don't know :BAGUSE: I get confused between different features - and the sleeve lengths are making me think possibly late 40s c.1950 here - but I know <i>very little</i> for certain... do ignore)
Thanks noir! Wow, what an awesome memory! Yup, I listed it on the VCA board, got GREAT feedback, then tried to sell it and bam, NO bites!
I tried to tie it the best I could, it's got snaps on it to sort of guide you along...
Um, well, you know, what was the bust measurement again?

(Again :BAGUSE: )
Yes, it should be tucked in. That's why they used a flat plain button at the bottom. You could call the neckline a Jabot style. And I usually associate this sleeve length and shoulder line with the 50s. It would look great with either a very slim skirt.

And if you didn't mind storing it, It would be great at Christmas.

Ha ha ha Noir ;)
Thanks for all the info pastperfect2!! Maybe I'll take a photo of it tucked in, if I have time tomorrow morning.
Hmmmmm, well I'm really trying to get everything outta the closet in the next few weeks, so I doubt I'll be hanging on to it until Dec :(
Um, well, you know, what was the bust measurement again?

I think she is serious....she wants to know to determine if it will fit her so she'll know to watch for it or not :)

(cough it up!) LOL
Ha ha ha! I took it to mean that she couldn't remember what the bust was originally.
Well, being the DORK I am... we rushed home last night, tired as all get out to measure everything so I could list it today (I don't do 'puter stuff at home). SO, I get all settled to list today & GUESS WHAT? The book w/measurements is at home!! I'm SO sure!
I'm trying to guess... I know it was "big" on the manni, and I want to say I THINK it was arounddddddddddd a 38" bust, but I'm SO not sure :(
I should be back on tomorrow, and I'll give ya a heads up if I am. I pre-list all my stuff so it all automatically goes up tomorrow, but I have to find a way to get the measurements inputed!

Stupid book at home!!!!!!!!!!!