can anyone find me...

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a copy of LUCY GALLANT? (aka OIL TOWN) c1955 with jane wyman, l've tried to find this, since the first time l saw it on us tv in about 1969....can't get a copy anywhere...can anyone help, l would love it on dvd..?? thanks
wow thats it!! unfortunately it won't let me buy from it, perhaps cos l'm in uk...but the page wont complete...never mind l'll keep looking..

thanks Lynne
Several years ago a film a friend is in didn't get theater released in the US
due to "politics" between Diane Keaton and the director?
Went right to DVD in Hungary or somewhere.
I still wanted to see it and the 1st time I found it was when the DVD was released in Australia.
Found out that DVD would not work here so didn't order it.
Finally they did US DVD release about 2 years ago so finally got to see it.
Not the best film of course but still like to see my friend's work.

actually I found it was theater released in 2002
must have been in and out VERY quickly