Can anyone help me date a scarf?


Registered Guest
It's a silly thing, but I like to date everything as accurately as possible, and I have no idea about this scarf.

It's huge; second photo is draped on dress form to give an idea of the size.

Pretty sure the material is nylon.

Has a hand-sewn hem, and what is throwing me off, the thread burn tests as cotton. I thought it was fairly modern but that's making me think perhaps it's older. (I can post a macro shot of the hem if that would help).

Any ideas of an approximate date?


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It sure looks like a fine cotton material to me from your photos. Is there a label that gives the fabric content as nylon? Scarves are sometimes difficult to pin point a date without a maker's label. It's a pretty print and nice color. A macro shot will probably be helpful to some of our members who are really wonderful at identifying fabrics.
Oh, just a burn test of the sewing thread of the hem. Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough. Reading it over I can definitely see how it is worded ambiguously!
Here's a macro shot of the hand-sewn hem, in hope that it might be a clue:


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Are you sure it's handsewn plousia? Looks like a machine zig zag stitch to me. Definitely not like the hand-rolled hems you see.

Fabric reads as cotton or linen. My first thought for date was '80s but I really don't know. I don't think it could have much age on it.

Yes, there are many spots where the sewing is uneven; I am pretty sure it's hand sewn.

80s was my first thought as well. I was thrown a bit by the thread being cotton, but of course it's not impossible for the 80s.

The fabric is silk-like but I'm 99% sure it's nylon.

80s seems like a reasonable guess; I'll go with that, thanks.