Can anyone help me date this dress


Registered Guest
Hi I found this forum by chance whilst looking for info on dress patterns that may match the below pictures. I've been given this dress but I have no idea what period of time its from and am hoping someone on here maybes able to help me allocating it a time zone. I think its homemade as it has absolutely no evidence of any labels on it whatsoever but any help would be much appreciated.



Cool dress! My initial reaction is 70s, but that is really a guess and it could be much earlier.

So hard to tell with no label. Perhaps someone with more experience with knitted items might be able to help if you post some pictures of the inside construction.
Thanks for the comments here are the inside, mind I don'tthink it looks much different but I'm really not up on knitted things :BAGUSE:


l recently sold a balck one and they are early 70's , knitted rdesses were around upt o the mid 80's but were funnel neck, knitted densely and not this crocheted look. this is also in the shops again now!!!
Many thanks people was put on hanger to take pictures as I have a small person and you never know where they've left their sticky hands ;)

Well there in istelf lies the question where is the seam :BAGUSE: I honestly don't know :BAGUSE: ;) and the waist on it is where my waist is (I tried it on... well you have to don't you lol) so have taken pics from the inside under both armpit areas in the vain hope it may be telling. Oh and I don't intend selling it, I think its far to pretty to let it go to someone else :cool:

