Can anyone help me with the age/origin of silk fabric on a hand-made dress?

Jen S

Registered Guest
I bought this very simple, damaged dress today, just because of the beautiful fabric, and I was hoping someone might have some info on it. It's silk (I did a burn test to make sure), and it was obviously re-purposed by the person who made the dress, since some of the seams from the original piece remain in the excess material inside the dress.

It looks like it could be old kimono fabric or some such, but I'm unfamiliar with these types of textiles. It's an intricate woven-in pattern; the color changes with the light.

I've included a pic of the reverse of the fabric as well as an inside seam that shows the selvedge. Also a bad shot of the front bodice of the dress in case that helps.

Thanks so much for any input!

It is interesting! The buildings appear to be temples of some sort. I'm getting an Indian feel from the garment, though whether this is from the fabric design or the dress I'm not sure. The shape does resemble a traditional modern Indian garment, I'm terrible with the names, but its a long tunic top that typically goes over trousers.
Yes, thank you, I do think it's a hand-made kameez, from the 60s
I would guess going by the construction (fine cotton lining,
large pinked seams, metal snaps and string on shoulders
inside for hanging), but was intrigued by the fabric. There
are no metallic threads. The shoulders are very faded, and
I intend to take it apart and make pillows.