Can anyone please help me identify fur type!!

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Carolina Byrnes, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. Carolina Byrnes

    Carolina Byrnes Registered Guest

    Had no idea Granny had a closet full of furs! Here are 2 I've brought home. Please help me identify fur type!! Googling for hours has confused me more!
    Coat #1 - Definitely real, just unsure of fur type 17227846595445759225806264042021.jpg 17227847039475741885044848690748.jpg 1722784738034382249519775902876.jpg 17227846595445759225806264042021.jpg . Coat #2 - Starting to think these one may be faux fur?!

    Attached Files:

  2. hjlocke

    hjlocke Registered Guest

    The first is fitch (ferret) fur. The second does look like faux mink to me.
    furwise likes this.
  3. furwise

    furwise VFG Member VFG Past President

    I concur with the first being fitch and the second is indeed faux.

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