Can Anyone Tell Me About This Pretty Lady?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Kimberly Taimanglo, Jul 27, 2024.

  1. Kimberly Taimanglo

    Kimberly Taimanglo Registered Guest

    I recently acquired this beautiful Yves St Laurent dress but I cannot find too much information online. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you in advance!

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  2. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    It is a really pretty dress, and it has a 70s looking care tag.
    Have you been able to find the same Yves Saint Laurent label online? The font does not look like any Saint Laurent I've seen before.
    Shusteroo likes this.
  3. Shusteroo

    Shusteroo VFG Member

    Hi Kimberly, pretty dress, its giving me Laura Ashley vibes with the puff sleeves and ruffle neckline. All the Yves Saint Laurent clothing I've owned has either been made in France or Italy, I wasn't aware that YSL made clothes in the USA - that's not to say they didn't, I just haven't come across them, and others may know more on that score. I'd estimate the date as circa 1980s, or possibly late 70s. - are there any care instructions or symbols?

    Here's a link to VFG label resource for YSL

    EDIT: I've removed 'From the 'Lot number'... from just before "I'd estimate the date...", as the label doesn't have a Lot Number on it! For some reason when I looked at the label initially I thought it did.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  4. Kimberly Taimanglo

    Kimberly Taimanglo Registered Guest

    Thank you! So my label matches up with 1960’s YSL. Earlier than I was expecting. Hopefully we get more info on her!!
  5. It looks late 70s/early 80s to me, as does the care and fabric content tags.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  6. Shusteroo

    Shusteroo VFG Member

    Although at first glance it may look a little bit similar to one of the 60s labels, this label does not match any of the labels already in the resource. The font is completely different - for example, if you look at the 'A's - one side is thin, the other thicker / if you compare the 'R' it is noticeably different. Also, each capital letter on your label appears to be darker whereas the 60s label is all the same colour. Finally, I'm not sure if the 60s label in the resource is embroidered, if it is it is finely embroidered, whereas the label on the dress has noticeable lines in the embroidery.

    I'm not aware of YSL making clothes in the USA, but if he did I would have thought it was later. My guess is this dress is circa 1980s, or possibly 70s, although the font differences and made in the USA would make me question further. Hopefully, someone will be able to throw some more light onto if/when YSL was making clothes in the USA as that may help with dating.
    BlackLotusVintage likes this.
  7. Jen S

    Jen S Registered Guest

    I’d say early 80s.
    BlackLotusVintage likes this.
  8. Kimberly Taimanglo

    Kimberly Taimanglo Registered Guest

    Agreed. This definitely looks like mid to late 1970’s… The only label that is remotely similar with the Paris New York tag is from a 1960’s hat that was listed in the label reference but it is different, picture attached. I have no clue on how to determine these things. That’s why I’m here to you all tell me what is what! Thank you all so much so far! I appreciate any and all help!

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    Shusteroo and plousia like this.
  9. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    I think it's 1978, which the tag may refer to with the 7808-1 number. Sometimes the tags do have a year coded on them - especially YSL, but not always, or at least not obviously. This is YSL 1978, which looks VERY similar: IMG_0731_1__master.jpg
    plousia likes this.
  10. Kimberly Taimanglo

    Kimberly Taimanglo Registered Guest

    Awesome! Thank you for the help!
  11. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    Very pretty! It also reminds me of this YSL Rive Gauche blouse that I thrifted last year:

    I am guessing your dress would have been made for the American Market, so maybe that's why it was US made.
  12. Kimberly Taimanglo

    Kimberly Taimanglo Registered Guest

    I thought that it may be the Rive Gauche at first! Love that blouse
    Midge likes this.

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