Can I post a Russian Sable fur to the Label Image Thread?


VFG Vice President
VFG Past President
Hi, I have a Russian Sable fur jacket and when viewing the fur resource I noticed that there are no photos of Russian sable with evenly distributed silver furs throughout. It is pretty rare but I have a Russian sable jacket right now and would like to submit my images to help others learn but I don't know where to submit it. Can I submit it in the Label image thread?

Photos with model removed and photos minus model added in my next post.

Thanks, Caryn
On the main page there is a heading "Contact" and under contact are several listings including an email address for Label Resources. Maybe someone there can help you since "fur" is another resource search offered by VFG
Hi --I do the fur resource.

If you can submit a picture not on a live model, i will put it on the site.

Or if you can take a close up--full frame, so we can't see the model, that would be good too.
You can add the photos to this thread and I can grab them from here.

Hi, Here are a few on my manni taken in natural light outside. The previous photos were taken indoors so the coloring appeared slightly different. Natural is more accurate but it is important for people to know that most photos are taken with flash and/or indoors so color may vary slightly. When in question ask if the photos were taken in natural light and if not ask to see a picture without flash in natural light. If you want a smaller photos or a different photo please let me know.





Thank you, Caryn
Great! If you need anymore info from me or photos please let me know.
