I searched one of the newspaper databases to which I subscribe and I found ads for Maragold slips only in 1935 and 1936 newspapers:
<img src=http://another-time.com/vintageclothing/MaragoldSlipMerge.jpg>
In case the text is too small to read, the 1935 ad says:
"Maragold Slips -- Made from Pepperell fabrics, lace trimmed, well made and finished. This is a rip-proof slip, reinforced side seams. Just the slip you want. Opening price 95 cents"
and the 1936 ad says:
"Start right for a happy ending! Select a Maragold Slip with rip-proof seams and form fitted. All sizes. We carry also a new Maragold Slip of satin. Carefully cut on the bias to give perfect fit -- in tailored and lace trimmed."
I note that the ads I saw were all for lace trimmed slips, except perhaps the "new Maragold Slip of satin," but what every ad emphasized was the rip-proof seams, which might be of interest to you.