Can someone please help me out with this vintage dress?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with this dress, I'm thinking that it's from the 1970s, but I am uncertain of the style of the dress. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! :)
This may be off topic, but ...

I was interested in your user name. I am a gluten free grandma.
It is always nice to know there are others out there. I am gluten intolerant. I really worry about the celiac sufferers and especially the undiagnosed who are still miserable and going to Dr. after Dr. I read recently that most go to at least 6 professionals before they get a diagnosis. Why the increase in autoimmune disorders? Or are we just more aware now? Best wishes to you.


I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 3 years ago this August, I too feel for those who have yet to be diagnosed and doctors are just now coming around to looking for gluten as the reason for so many people's illnesses. There was a recent study that said that sometimes a virus can trigger the body fighting against itself... I think that's what happened to me, I had mono really bad when I was 20 (I'll be 30 next week) and I was never the same after it. I was also just diagnosed with Ulcerative Colotis, so shopping vintage and being on boards such as this have really helped me not focus on the bad stuff going on and in turn focus on the fun stuff: clothes and talking :)
