Can this Sally Victor hat be saved?


Registered Guest
I'm sure it was very pretty at one time, but now the silk flowers are all flattened and bent out of shape. Anyone know how to fix these flowers, and would it be worth the effort?




Thanks for your help!
Yes, by steaming. Straighten out the wired flowers and trim first. If you don't have a hat steamer use a garment steamer or failing that use a kettle gently boiling and hold the hat over the kettle steam You will see the flowers perk up. There may be a bit of spotting on the silk but do a test. Should be fine.

Nice little character hat.
Yes, steam...and be sure to wear a pair of gloves while you do it, since you have to do some finger fluffing while you steam. An old pair of 50/60s dress gloves will do the trick. Make sure to dry the hat after the steaming, put a thin towell on your lady head to protect her from any moisture and let the fan breeze over the hat. You don't want it getting musty.