Can you date this photo based on the clothing?


VFG Member
Someone found this photo at my job (YMCA) and it's become a little game to figure out how old it is. My guess is 1910, but that dress with the buttons and cinched waist is throwing me off a little. I know that it's possible that some are wearing newer or older, etc.

I wanted to be able to 'solve' it for the office clatch, so I came to the pros. ;)

I would go with c. 1910-12. Their hair is still quite big, after 1912 it begins to be rolled a tighter to the head, also they all have high neck blouses and after 1912 you get more open neck and round neck styles. The use of buttons as decoration are also really popular from about 1908 - 1916, so this is right in the middle of that trend. They are all teenaged girls which is why their skirts are so short, A woman would be wearing a longer skirt, but these are probably about 16 year olds, so they are in that 'Young Miss' period between wearing a girl's dress and a woman's dress.
I agree with the 1912 date. I used to have a purple velvet dress very similar in style to the one the girl is wearing on the left.

They still had corsetted waists but they wore longline corsets.

Thanks! You guys rock.

And I'm so proud of myself that I was on mark. I'm actually shocked. Go figure I actually retained allllll the info I learned from you guys. Amazing!