Can you handle this HOT/SEXY bathing suit? Circa 1914!


Registered Guest
Ha ha ha! Yeah, it's "hot" alright. In the sense that anyone wearing this would feel very warm! Anyhoo, I've had this for over a year & I think it's time to sell. Wondering, how do these do? Anything special I should know before selling it?
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Also, you can't see the date clearly, but it's 1914.


I was going to say it's early 1910's but it's even better if you have the label with the date! :)

Antique Victorian and Edwardian bathing suits aren't easy to find, I've only ever had two and one of those is in my collection (mine is a 1913 one). The other was a c. 1900 two piece one in near mint condition and someone snapped that up for $125 US from my site.

Put in the title something along the lines of "Antique Late Edwardian lady's bathing suit" to catch people. Also too, give a condition report and the measurements as alot of re-enactors like wearing these old bathing suits to Victorian summer time events too.

If its in good condition, no holes, no dye runs etc. you will do well with this. You may even do better than $125.00 but I would put that as the opening bid or reserve.
As far as I can remember, there are no holes, no dye runs etc. The BEST part is when I found this, it was in with the ladies dresses. I pulled it out & thought "wow what a neat sailor's dress", then I saw the legs! I'll go over it tonight & post some more info tomorrow. I know the word "patent" exists on the label as well.
So def put the starting price at $125?
I would definitely follow Lei and Jonathan's advice...don't put it up or put it at a reserve a penny less than $125.00. There are different schools of thoughts on reserve prices, but by all means, I would not "give it away" and offer it for any less. If you have something that is truly scarce, even if you don't sell it first shot (which i can't imagine why it wouldn't), it is worth holding out for.

Thanks for the encouragement Chris :) I'll def put the reserve at $125 :)
Wow, a Diane VF in with the robes??!! Another sweet find!

Also, I checked out the label and it says:
Patented - Upper left corner
Reg U.S. - Bottom left corner
April 14th 1914 - Upper right corner
Pat Off - Bottom right corner
Water-Sprite - middle of the label

:kiss2: (I like this new little smilie!)