Can you please assist me with this hat?


VFG Vice President
VFG Past President
It looks like a cloche, toque combo to me. Is this correct?

It has a Del Bene label inside and a bakelite bow on the side.

I would think that this was a 20s hat but the style is sort of mixed and I am not sure that this label looks like a 20s label. Is this still considered a 20s cloche?

It feels like a thin straw. Is this straw?





Thank you, Caryn

It is made of sisal straw, and yes it is most definitely a cloche.

The label is not from the 1920's....looks like something from the 1960s, and the side pin looks authentic 1920s or early 30s....and the hat almost looks like one of the newer hats made by a milliner who was inspired by the 1920's hats.

Seems like a new, vintage inspired, hat with old trims and a label that really looks more 1960s style. Maybe the label was added to the hat? Perhaps that is not the original maker? Although it is a French label so perhaps it is newer label, done in a retro style....

NOTE: Edited by me a few moments later...I found references to Del Bene hats in the early 1960's and have a photo of 2 which are also late 50s to early 1960s with that exact same label. So the label is circa 1960's, but I strongly suspect the hat is fairly recent, and the label is not original to the hat. It just does not look like anything made in the 1960's, not even as a flapper revival hat...and the sisal straw also gives it a very modern appeal. If you compare 1960s Flapper revival hats and this one you can see the differences clearly.

Barbara, I did not even know the bakelite bow was a pin. I looked in back and what do ya know? It was a pin. I took the pin off. I also noticed that the label was glued on. I think I got taken on this one sadly. At least I have the bakelite pin. Oh well. You win some and you lose some. I actually still won because luckily I had you and the VFG here to help me so I did not wrongly advertise this as a vintage hat to someone else like it was advertised to me.

I did get some great stuff today anyway and will posting an old dress in a little bit that I think a lot of you will be able to help me with.

Thank you, Caryn
Caryn -

I can't see the pin very well but I think it might be Celluloid rather than Bakelite. If you do a hot water test (back side only for a short time - don't get the rhinestone side wet) you should be able to tell by the smell. Celluloid smells like either vinegar or camphor or slightly sweet - depending on the type and Bakelite has a strong chemical smell that once you know it you know it!
Linn, Thanks. I think you are right. I believe it is celluloid but I am not testing it because I think I am going to take the hat back to the thrift store tomorrow to exchange it because it was sold to me as vintage. Hopefully they will allow me to exchange it.
You can also see where the label has glue on from it's original use - folded over at each side - the pinked edges wouldn't normally be seen.

I would guess when it's unpinned and the holding stitches removed it's a pretty normal looking sunhat - will you keep it this shape or do the above?
I took the hat back to the thrift store today and exchanged it for some wonderful stuff and ended up spending 4 times the money that the hat was so it worked out for them and for me.

Barbara, I am sooooooooo glad that you responded to my post. You saved me on this one ;).

Linn and Pinkcoke, I don't want to leave you out either. I appreciate you posting too and your willingness to help.

Thank you, Caryn