Can you please help me date this German? sweater

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alondra
  • Start date Start date


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Thank you.
Are you sure it's 1964?

It looks like 1864 to 1984 to me, which would put this after 1984. That seems more likely with the washing symbols.

The letters GmbH for a company name could be German, Austrian or Swiss. You have several countries' flags on that label, Swiss, UK, French, and I think Norway.
I agree with Ruth it looks like 1864-1984 to me, and it has the wool mark logo and conventional washing symbols so I would have gone later. The buttons and baggy shoulders / oversize look are also very 80's.
I thought it said '84 too, which is why I asked - but Alondra can read it clearer as she has the label, not just a photo. I agree that it looks like an '80s jumper but thought it couldn't be if the label says '64.
Whether or not it says 64 or 84 why couldn't it be 80's? It looks like some sort of commemorative garment to me, for tourism I guess I don't see why they couldn't be producing it later. Wouldn't 64 be too early for dry cleaning symbols?
Yep, that's pure wool (Reine Schurwolle), and the Flags are Switzerland, France, UK and Norway. I too would say it says 1864 to 1984, and that seems to make sense. I triend to research the company, which reads as L. S. Brinkmann GmbH. All I could find is a Google link to Amazon, which doesn't work but it mentions a book about the 90 years jubilee 1864 - 1954 of a L. S. Brinkmann GmbH Strick- und Wirkwarenfabrik Eschwege - that must be the same company. "Strick- und Wirkwarenfabrik" means knitwear and knitfabric factory, and Eschwege is a city in Hessen, Germany - it lies pretty much at the center of the country. German Wikipedia has a lot of info on Eschwege, but doesn't mention the Brinkmann company among the important industries/factories in the city. On there's currently a listing for an old advertising poster of 1930 for the factory - it's not very attractive from a graphic point of view. It basically says that they can produce big quantities, but still test their products for quality. I also found a reference for old advertising stamps, dated ca. 1900-1920, where they advertise for everyday knitwear and also sportswear. Further I found a reference that the factory had 100 employees in 1973. I couldn't find anything further or a current website, so I suspect they closed some time between '84 and now.
