Can you please help me with this 50s bag?


VFG Member
VFG Past President
Hi, This is from the box of mixed goodies from the 50s that I received.

What I know about this so far or what I think is that it is circa 50s, a bucket bag, tan leather, pink embroidery, a house or castle is on two sides, so is a sun, and there is a draw string closure.

Here are my questions if you can help please;

Is the embroidery called something else? Is this an indian made bag? The inside is very very soft. Could it just be soft cow leather or maybe deer hide?

Here are a few photos;





Thank you, Caryn
Thanks Mary Jane. I have two bags like this in different colors. The person that sold it to me advertised it as being stored away since the 50s and some of the stuff I have verified is from the 50s like hats with the holders on the sides of the head but I know that people's memories are not always 100% after a few years gone so maybe it was stored away since the 60s.

Is that artwork hand embroidery?

Thank you, Caryn
I agree this is not 50s, and is 60s.... Can't help as to origins, though. The leather looks divine, but can't tell what sort of hide it is.

I'm thinking that is machined embroidery--it looks too even "from here" to be hand done, but without being able to hold it and look more closely at it, I honestly can't tell.
Thanks Anne, I appreciate the confirmation.
There is white threading in the handle that looks machine stitched.
I can see pink threading around the top inside rim of the bag and it looks handstitched because some of the stitches are wider and tied off at the end but I can't see the hind side of the stitching of the castle/house. I think the brown leather is lined over it inside. The castle/house looks so precise that it I think it is machine stitched too. Maybe the top inside was handstitched because of the thickness between the bag and lining if that makes sense.

And now I am thinking..maybe that picture is a school house?

Thanks, Caryn
Could you look underneath the drawstring at the top of the building? That spire could be a cross i.e. a church.
Pinkcoke, No cross. It's got to be a school. There is a flag and a light sticking out on the left side of the roof. Good thinking though. I thought that was a possibility at some point too until there was no cross.

Barbara, Thank you. You are right. It is decorative top stitching. :) I have another one too that is black and white. By the way I sent you a few emails of the hats. :wub:

Thank you, Caryn