Can you read the name on the label?


Registered Guest
Not sure if I'm in need of glasses or not, but I'm having the darnedest time trying to figure out the name on this label. I see the "Scha" and the "ola" at the end, but what are the letters in the middle? Am I having a senior moment or what?!
Hmmm, lets try that again....

Is it possible that the second to last letter is missing a cross bar - it looks like it should be an F not an L - that right curve at the top is throwing me.

This is a good mystery...I have all sort of combinations I have come up with no hits. I am sure you have tried same. Always fun to try to solve.
I think the beginning might be Schaum, which is German for foam, spray, froth, spume that kinda thing! If it's a frothy pink confection which might be European - that could fit. Direct translation - frothola!!

Good idea, Sarah-Jane. All I get on my Google is Schauma shampoo though :duh:. But I found something for Scharmosa. I thought the second last character could be an old s. I found a few old listings that are only in the Google chache, from German ebay ( for vintage Scharmosa lingerie.

That would also explain the size 48, that could be a German size. Is it big? Sorry, I can't see your picture of the whole piece.

It seems to be Sharmosa. I've found a couple of listings for their girdles/undies on eBay, so it makes sense that they would make sleepwear as well.

Thanks everyone! :singing:
LOL I was trying to figure this out! wow I got some funny words.

The best I got was Schav Mola which are two words schav meaning an Eastern Soup and Mola meaning thin fish! Well atleast I learned something for boggle!

Glad you found out what it was or it would have drove me nuts!
