Can you read this label on this 40's Suit?

Can you read this label on this 40\'s Suit?

I must brag a moment, I LOVE this suit, I have admired it for a while while it has been in my Auburn store location, and now it is time to put it in the online store. But for the life of me I cannot make out one of the labels inside. Please help!


Great suit!

My very first thought was that the first letter is a Z, but I am not so sure already. Zagri?
A 1947 NY Times article about fall fashion collections noted that:

"Zagri also shows a becoming suit of 1920 whose slim black skirt is topped by a novelty black and white backdipping jacket. A wide tuxedo collar is open near the bottom pocket-wise for holding the jacket snug about the hips."

So, I think the other respondents are absolutely right on target.
I Googled Zagri and looked forever and came up with nothing! Y'all are amazing! Thanks so much for your help. It reminded me of a Adrian with the shaping of the jacket, similar styling.

Shouldn't that GREAT photo of the label be put into the vintage fashion guild look book? and the info Lynne provided? I just did a quick check and that little tidbit treasure wasn't in the list!
I didn't mean to ignore the last few comments, I come down with the flu and was well unavailable! Man it was bad! Anyway, thanks againg for your help, and if the VFG wants the label picture for the resource that is fine with me, please credit me for the picture, although Lynne had all the info! Thanks a million!