Capelet coat: 40s?


Registered Guest
Thanks so much for viewing this thread. I'm hoping for help on this capelet coat. Closes with one large button at the neckline, has a decorative capelet loosely attached. On the back of the capelet, though there are buttonholes down one side, there is no column of small buttons like there is on the front. A close inspection of the fabric seems to indicate that there never were buttons on the back. Seems odd to me. Anyway, I'm thinking 40s?? BTW, Winkelman's is a department store chain that first opened in the late 1920s. Closed it's doors in the late 90s, I believe.

Thank you again for your time and help.




That is a beautiful coat. Just the right amount of everything. I would say 40's, possibly also. My grandmother had a similar coat she wore, but it was not as detailed. It was a 40's coat. I can see the lettering in your label, and it does look older than 40's lettering. People don't wear as much blue wool as they used to.
That's a really interesting coat and I'm having trouble dating it. I'm thinking '40s too - the collar looks late '40s to me. Are there any shoulder pads? I've seen buttons like those on several items from the late '40s.

Thanks, velvetsage and Nicole. Nicole: yes, there are shoulder pads. I didn't notice them until you asked. Does that give an idea for dating it?
I think this coat is from the mid-1950's. Single feature button, fly-front opening and fairly wide sleeves. Oversized collars and capes which sometimes turned into hoods were a big fashion feature on coats and suits. Is the back of the cape open where the buttonholes are or are the two sides sewn together? Is the cape lined?
Thank you, vertugarde. Yes the coat is lined. The back of the cape, though it looks like two pieces, is actually just a big pleat. Then one side of the pleat has the column of buttonholes. I haven't found a way to turn the cape into a hood.
I'm with the mid 50's crowd here! Capes, cape collars, huge shawl cape-like collars, etc., were hugely popular in coats during the 50s. As Jonathan said, the shape of yours underneath the cape looks pretty typical 50s to me. And it is indeed a lovely coat, at that! 50's coats are my very favorite era--I wear them all the time and buy them for resale too often!