1. eartharts

    eartharts Registered Guest

    Hello, is anyone familiar with the brand Chagall? I see it often while thrifting in Canada, and most of the pieces are 80s/90s. However I can't find anything online about it! I am very curious now about it.
    Chagall Black and Silver Metallic Sleeveless Shirt0006.jpg Chagall Black and Silver Metallic Sleeveless Shirt0003.jpg
  2. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

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  3. plousia

    plousia Registered Guest

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  4. NikkiLooking4Chagall

    NikkiLooking4Chagall Registered Guest

    As I'm sure you can guess from my username, I'm very curious to find any info on Chagall that I can haha.
    I have this tunic(?) that I thrifted like 6-7 years ago somewhere in Vaughan, ON, I love it soo much. The tag below the Chagall one is basically gone, but from OP's pics + items on Poshmark, it looks like the identification number is CA-02230/RN-87302. The Canadian Competition Board just says that the identification number was issued on 1997-09-25, but has a diff address listed than the ISED one. The American headquarters seems to be in New York by the RN.
    I just want to know the history of the clothing company that produced my favourite clothing item

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  5. eartharts

    eartharts Registered Guest

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  6. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    When the CA number says it was founded in 1997, it probalby wasn't. THat was the year they digitized the files and they put all the companies in with that date. Companies opened since 1997 are correct, and if the date is before 1997, then the companies have requested the change, but few companies have made the change, since so many Canadian clothing manufacturers when out of business between 1997 and 2004 when world trade rules changed.

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