chanel sweater, with labels


Registered Guest
hi everyone,

i posted this earlier, but had trouble uploading my images. so, i'm reposting with the correct images attached. i hope i didn't break any rules doing this...

i was wanting to gain some insight as to the value of this chanel sweater.

thanks for your help, gwen
I haven't seen anything like this made by Chanel but then I'm not an expert on the designer.

According to the label resource the label is similar to one found on a 2000s RTW pants suit. My best advice on a valuation is to see if you can find something similar on ebay - I did this search but as you can see, there is nothing similar - all the Chanels are a finer knit.

i've never seen that type of knit for Chanel, either. but i HAVE dealt with a veritable slew of Korean women who cut tags out of designer goods to sew into garments to resell.

not saying that's what you have, but that it might be a possibility if you can't find a recent collection with similar knits in it.
Doesn't look like Chanel to me either. That chunky knit just doesn't sit right. I can't recall ever seeing anything similar in their collections but I'm no Chanel expert. Sorry. :)
Gwen, your sweater is a mystery: can you tell if the label stitching looks original, or if it could have been taken out of something else? As Mary said, it's common to put designer labels in garments that would not have had them originally and when something is different the designer's usual style or technique, it sets off alarm bells.

That sweater looks late 90s/00 and that's I actually temped at Chanel in NYC a lot. There was no such sweater in the collection like this, I'm sorry to say. Also, the colors in this sweater are in the palatte of colors for Chanel at that time.

I'm sorry. It's really pretty but I'm voting "not chanel."
all the typos!! Should be...

"...and that's when I actually..."

"Also, the colors in this sweater are NOT in..."
Hi there, your sweater is from the 2000 Fall collection. Chanel has a dating system, 00A on the top portion of the tag . I've seen Chanel do this knit before, not in the same colors, but I don't see why this sweater would be fake ? The fabric content seems correct. Also seems nice quality knit. There is lots of interest on anything Chanel, I sold a cashmere cardigan with no logo detail for over $400 on ebay from the 90s. I worked with tons of Chanel, clothes, jewelry, bags. Definitely see how the label is attatched.
Good luck !