Check your computer for this infection!


Staff member
VFG Past President
There was an article in my local newspaper this morning from the Associated Press about a widespread virus that was discovered last November when the FBI and others took down an international hacker ring.
If they had just removed the rogue servers, hundreds of thousands of individual users would be unable to connect to the internet, so they have been using government computers as a safety net, but that will end in July. If you're infected and you haven't fixed it by then, you'll lose your internet connection. A website has been set up so folks can check to see if they're infected and fix it if they are. Depending on your country, you'll be routed to the right language and region
Thanks Maggie, really good info here. I've never heard of this and considering the severity of the situation you'd think the FBI would do more to get the word out. It's very easy to check, I did it manually. You just have to see what your DNS setting numbers are on your computer.

While on the site, I read about other cyber crimes. I had always wondered how the pick item up scam plays out and now I know. A guy tried to scam me a while back but it was for an antique coverlet so I'm quite sure he was going to pull the send more than you owe scam. It's not the same with gems or easy to convert items though. These bastards actually hire mules to pick up the item who then convert it to cash. Sometimes the mules are part of the scam but the FBI has noted an increase in patsies who are found through online resumes or those work from home sites and unknowingly participate in the scam.

Gawd, like selling online isn't already difficult enough. This just makes me steam. :flaming:
Excellent information. I just checked and I'm clean. Thanks Maggie!