Chicago Daily News - digital photos


VFG Member
This newspaper has digitalized photos from 1902 - 1933. (SITE HERE)

Here are some fun photos from a millinery convention. The first one has flowers UNDER the brim and I was intrigued by the furs in the second one.



This last one was interesting - "People searching through boxes of clothing that are lined along an alley between buildings in San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake."

I LOVE looking at vintage photos, thank you so much for the link!

(wouldn't you love to go through those boxes of clothing today!)
What a fun link, Amanda! Thanks! Here's one (which I cropped and enlarged) of two young women in bathing attire in 1915:


They were "bathing in Lake Michigan at East Wilson Avenue a month before the opening of the regular swimming season as part of their membership in a school group called the Giggly Club."

The Giggly Club! I want to join!