Christian Dior Fourrure Sweater Set


Registered Guest
I found this cute sweater set at the Rose Bowl Flea Market today. It's actually much prettier in person, a nice avocado green and sparkly gold stripes. My pictures couldn't capture the true colors.



It just has to be 1970's with this mushroom applique:


What's puzzling me is the label. Both pieces are labeled "Christian Dior Fourrure", which refers to furs. I've done some googling, and everything with this label seems to be mink.


Any thoughts?
huh. Well that's odd.

Maybe it was also used for lambswool/angora/wool products? They're still "fur" after all -- although kind of a stretch in most people's minds. Might this be one of those?

Or -- a dishonest seller?

I'm otherwise NO help -- but it is super cute!

it does seem odd, though, that the then-trendy mushroom would be applied by such a classic company as Dior?
I believe it has been altered. Somebody somewhere added the applique.

The label looks a tad 80's to me.

Possibly, someone altered it in the 80's? Took off a mink collar?

I dunno!
I think it's 80s - those shoulders look too wide, and is that a shoulder pad I see? It wasn't uncommon to add labels to unworthy items in the '80s because designer stuff was so in demand - a friend stitched a whole lot of designer labels from op shop stuff to his ragged jeans as a statement about it all.
You guys are great! Thanks for your responses. I agree that the elements don't add up, but I only paid a few dollars so it's not a big deal.

I forgot to mention that the cardigan also has "Dior" logo buttons, so the forgery involved more than just the labels. And nicolejenkins is right, it does have shoulder pads. Was that never done in the 1970's?
Sometimes they had small shoulder pads in 40s-influenced designs in the early '70s, but they tend to be flattish, not the big squishy round ones that they got so carried away with in the '80s. The latter period ones also extend the shoulder line - sometimes quite ridiculously.
I heard a story that the huge shoulder pads that were popular in the 80's was started by a costume designer on Dynasty. Apparently Linda Evans had/has natura\lly broad shoulders and the other ladies (not wanting to be outdone) demanded that their outfits on screen be altered so that Linda didn't "out-shoulder" them..

I'm not sure how true that is but it would explain a lot!