Christian Dior....spring 2007


VFG Member
VFG Past President
Everytime I see a John Galliano collection I get so happy that he is in the world. That sounds so corny but he really inspires me and makes me want to create. Love him or hate him, he is never boring.

spring 2007
He is a brilliant designer but terrible at creating style. His designs are so all over the place and his themes are unsubtle. He really should do film and theatre instead of high fashion. THere was not one garment in all of those clothes that I would ever expect to see, even on the red carpet at Oscarbtime or a gala museum opening at the Met. You're right though, his stuff does make you smile.
There's a lot of really "out there" styles on that list....I like that one that says Debra Shaw (viva), the lime to blue graded tiered number...but could only see it on one or two confident and quirky people, like Sara Jessica