Circa 1930's Straw hat label


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Circa 1930\'s Straw hat label


I have this rather interesting straw hat which is labeled.

I was wondering if this is the correct NRA eagle that is mentioned in the
information/research below:

The National Recovery Administration, part of President Roosevelt's New Deal to get American out of the Great Depression by regulating how business was handled. The NRA started off with a bang in 1933, but within a couple of years it was evident that it wasn't the right solution to the problem, and the NRA fizzled to a quiet death in 1935. "...source: WWW

Certainly the hat is early, and the label is original to the piece.




I do appreciate any assistance,
I think thar's just a union label - no relation to the NRA. I've always seen the NRA logo exactly as shown in the label resource, and it has always been on it's own, not as part of another label.

thats lovely and an exact same shape/colour as the one l wore to my wedding..though NOt that old!!
Thank you!

I really appreciate the input/information.

Interesting how attempting to do research is much more interesting than housework!

Have a grand weekend!

"Interesting how attempting to do research is much more interesting than housework!"

That is very true. And even better when it's for someone else (then it's not like work, lol!)