Claire McCardell by Townley dress Verification


Registered Guest
Hi there! This is my first forum post, but I'm a long-time visitor.

I recently purchased a 1950's dress with a Claire McCardell by Townley label located at the left skirt side seam allowance near the skirt hem. I noticed that the right label edge has been re-stitched to the seam allowance, but not the other edge. I'm just worried the label might have been removed from a different garment and stitched into the current one.

I've researched the designer and label, but was wondering if anyone knew where authentic Clarie McCardell labels are located?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Nice to see you posting here. What a lovely dress. Hopefully, someone else will be able to help you out about where they have found the label located on a Claire McCardell they own or have owned.
I haven't found a Claire McCardell in many years, so I don't remember where the placement was.