Cleaning a velvet Rosenberg purse...?

Sally Cacic

Registered Guest
Hi everyone, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a gorgeous black velvet handbag/clutch by Harry Rosenberg in a thrift store of all places! Looking at it and the label, I'm dating it early 1960s. The issue with it is, I realized after getting it home that it leaves black marks on everything! Almost as if someone tried to brush it with boot polish or something? I can't use it until I can find a way to clean it (if it's at all possible) because it ruins whatever it touches and I'm soooo hoping someone has some tips for me on how I might be able to get this black stuff off or stop it "rubbing off" on everything it touches? If not, it's destined to end up in the "look but don't touch" collection!
Hi everyone, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a gorgeous black velvet handbag/clutch by Harry Rosenberg in a thrift store of all places! Looking at it and the label, I'm dating it early 1960s. The issue with it is, I realized after getting it home that it leaves black marks on everything! Almost as if someone tried to brush it with boot polish or something? I can't use it until I can find a way to clean it (if it's at all possible) because it ruins whatever it touches and I'm soooo hoping someone has some tips for me on how I might be able to get this black stuff off or stop it "rubbing off" on everything it touches? If not, it's destined to end up in the "look but don't touch" collection!
Update: Is it possible it's suede and it's crocking...? Have never dealt with this either but the black washed right out of what it touched so that leads me to think crocking could be a possibility. Anyone got any suggestions on dealing with that?
Yes, of course! So I am becoming more convinced it's suede and it's croaking, as the black does easily wash out of whatever it touches. Here are some photos of the handbag itself. Any thoughts/comments would be most appreciated! Based on the label, my best guess was to date it around 50s/60s maybe even 70s, but I do know croaking was a consistent issue with suede before the 40s, so perhaps its older? Would love to know if there's anything to be done in anyone's experience.


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The older a leather or suede item is, the more likely to have deterioration. But that has usually has more to do with how much it was used and how it has been stored than age per se. Most owners don't have access to the climate controlled environment recommended (cool, dry, dark).
nothing to be done?
I have no personal experience with restoring suede. That said, there are How-To articles out there about brushing, dry wipe, wet wipe, and moisturizing. If you love the bag enough it might be worth a try, and guaranteed you will learn from the process! We would love to hear back with results.
I don't have experience with this either. I agree that it is crocking, and would start with brushing it. I haven't used a suede protector spray, which is designed to keep water out of the suede, but I can imagine trying it as a way to keep the powder from wrecking your clothes. If it works, it probably would need to be sprayed on regularly. If you live anywhere near to a good leather repair shop (could be a shoe shop) you could ask there.