Cleaning ? Christening Gown


VFG Member
I have purchased a lovely christening gown - Just took some quick pix to show dilema ... (and in the process found a FLAW - ain't that the way it goes?)

It's kind of yellow with those wretched brown spots here and there. If I go by former posts on the linen board I can use Oxyclean for starters. Any other suggestions? I'm guessing this is @ 1900-1910 but you bet I'll be back with finished pix and questions before I list.

Here is some detail of the hem area -


And here are some spots and some just detected repair...


I have visions of soaking it in oxyclean and the piece will brighten up nicely except for the spots - which will show up even more! Ideas? Thanks.
Does anyone know if there is a UK equivelent to Oxy Clean (or what its active ingredient is ) I have tried a product called Vanish Oxi Action but wasnt happy with the results..too harsh on the fabric considering there is not a great improvement in the marks.
Thank you Jonathan - that worked beautifully. Now - one sure bet for brown age spots on items with a bit of color? I understand that oxy-clean is color-safe for clothes that are colorfast. If that makes sense. Knowing me, I'll test and think something is colorfast and then find out the hard way that it's not.

And Wardrobe - I wish I could help. I just googled and found this - The ingredients listed on the OxyClean container are: Sodium Percarbonate and Sodium Carbonate. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. But the first ingredient is manufactured.