Cleaning patent leather?? How to help pls!

I bought the cutest patent leather purse yesterday with the hopes that I can get the goo off of it. On one side it looks like something stuck to it...perhaps a magazine page as I can see typed letters in rows. Seems to come off with my fingernail when lightly scratched, so it does not seem to be imbedded.

Any help in resurrecting this great purse would be appreciated!
Try isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball. I use it to remove scuff marks and such off patent before selling. I've also heard that vaseline works well, but have never tried it.

It also depends on whether it is leather of PVC. I have never tried that Jody. I always try midlest first...a soft cloth, leather conditioner/cleaner, a barely damp cloth with mild dish or glycerin soap. Some folks use window cleaner, but be careful because it could create a residue.

I would spot test everything first, though
That sounds like real patent leather to me and there is little you can do. You can use water to remove the paper, but the patent will never look perfect. Vaseline is the old way they used to put a shine on patent leather. I don't know about the alcohol treatment, but you don't have anything to lose. What happened is that the shoes were probably stored in an attic in paper and when it was really hot and humid, the patent surface melted and the paper stuck.
you are right on the permanent damage, Jonathan.

that's why also patent leather gets those scratches that you can only see when the light hits a certain way all over. its just the nature. I guess i should know, right? :)
Jody - is that like regular rubbing alcohol...sorry I am very un-scientific.

Thanks for the pointers...crossing fingers. I have a very small amt. of money invested, so if it doesn't work...oh well!!
Yay!! It worked. Still need to do some gluing on the trim, but it looks darn good!! is a Tarkor purse. Mean anything to anyone??

I am so glad I took the chance on buying it and came here for some fab advice. Thanks again. Pics will follow!!