Cole of California Swimsuit and label ?


VFG Member
All the labels I've been able to view on the www do not have the 'sunburst' on them. And no matter the style/etc. they are ALL from the 40's/50's :rolleyes:

What time frame would you put this swimsuit at? 60's?

The color looks 60s rather than 50s. (coming from a lime and chartreuse connossieur) so it makes sense/the right track to me to be 60s.

I do recall seeing that type of "keyhole tie detail" during the 70s however, :baguse: well, according to my mattel (sp?) Fashion Plates set i played with in the 70s. :baguse: so that confuses me into thinking its 70s. But i would imagine the legs would have had to be higher if that was the case. so 60s it probably is.....

maybe our bathing suit experts will be around...
