Colin Glascoe Information Please!


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I came across this dress today, its a silk printed gorgeous mini dress but I know less than nothing about this label. Can anyone help me please?



He did some nice prints in the 70's....I have sold one.....I think the label is collectable but not as much I think it should be. Pretty dress... Somethingthat should sitin a store notto auction.

Here are three references to Colin Glascoe that I found in one of the newspaper databases to which I have online access:

1967: "Evening dresses are often long in London collections, such as Colin Glascoe's hooded, full-sleeved dress in American Ban-lon colored prints."

1968: "An exception to the plain colors were Colin Glascoe's gypsy prints, which roused a cheer from the buyers."

1969: "Colin Glascoe, the resort wear specialist who is one of England's highly successful exporters, is showing buyers a collection that is unashamedly pretty and right in the trends.
    His Italian prints in stained glass window colors look like a view through a kaleidoscope or broken mosaics. Another group is copied from 1920 prints in challis and peacock spot effects. He likes a tennis dress style with long torso and flat pleats from mid-hip, and there are lots of shirtwaisters ans tunic trouser suits. There are simple-fitted sheaths for daytime, relying on the print and color for effect, and long, slim dresses for evening."

From the second newspaper database ...

1968: (Re the "creators of Ban-Lon extravaganzas") "... and Colin Glascoe of England, who had the inspiration to use the traditional prints of the famous Liberty of London establishment (who had never worked with anything but their own silks and wools) in Ban-Lon creations.

1969: "Silky, synthetic fabrics are the pet of imaginative designers here, there and everywhere. Gayle Kirkpatrick of New York, Ken Scott of Italy, Colin Glascoe of London -- they're all doing new things with synthetics. Kirkpatrick cultivates daisies ... plants them on day and at-home clothes. Glasco (sic) of London uses Liberty of London designs in somber colors."

1968: In a Feb 1968 ad I found a nearly identical Colin Glascoe dress of Ban-Lon. The sleeves seemed to have the same point to them, but were wrist length in the ad.
I really appreciate the help thank you! The dress has a fab print and is made from silk, I also have a printed Colin Glascoe cat suit too:)