Collapsible grament racks from Bed. Bath Beyond?

They cant keep alot of clothing on them and they tend to lean then fall down.... They are horrible.....

I bought two types of racks from Bed Bath and Beyond and they are aweful. The metal is too light and and they are attache with plastic corners which start to warble then crack and break

These look good thought they are expensive. But the construction is better and will last longer then the bed bath and beyonds racks. Especially when you have coats to hang.

i'd recommend looking for a shop/store that handles industrial strength clothing racks: the majority of retail items just aren't strong enough to hold many garments without doing just like Chris says, they start by leaning and then toppling.

if you want a rail that is really sturdy? it'll be(way) more expensive, but SO worth it.

maybe there's a salvage business near you that specializes in snatching up fixtures when shops go out of business? that'd be the best place to look ~
I picked up 2 clothing racks at KMart (yeah KMart!) a few years ago. They were Martha Stewart brand. They are sturdy, roll, the ends extend, have a bottom rack/shelf and the bar raises and lowers. We have a trailer so I just take my things to shows on the racks with the bar dropped.

Our KMart doesn't have them anymore, but they regularly discontinue carrying padded hangers and then a couple months later they stock them again. It was only something like $49.

It might not be available anymore - I couldn't find a means to purchase another and I definitely would if I got the chance. Here's a link: Heavy Duty Clothing Rack

Hmm ... just found this - it might be the same thing. I may have to check it out cuz I could use another rack. KMart Rack

I bought mine from the Container Store. They're $69 each. I have them packed to the gills and never have had a single problem. The fold flat if you need to transport them. Search the site for "commercial garment rack."

I didn't want to pay for shipping so it pretty much evened out in the wash for me since I wasn't buying as many as you need from Robert Ham to get a discount.

These container store racks are great.
I've had good luck with those I've bought at Target. They're big enough, adjustable height, heavy duty and relatively inexpensive if I remember right. Check there.

Mine look like the ones in the Robert Ham link.
I have actually found making mine in the best and cost effective. You can make lots in a one day project!

Have all the wood cut to the length you need at lows, nail together and either have holes cut for rods or find a way to attach.

I had those cheap garment racks and they fell apart too. Luckily I have a shed with rafters so I took the "fallen" racks rails apart (they snapped together) ran a rope through them and hung them from the rafters. Now my whole shed is nothing but evenly spaced hanging rods. Even better, when my rack it empty I can just pull it up or twist it over the rafter and it is out of the way.

Of course this may not work for everyone, but if you have an area where you can put somewhat of a permanent base they work great!
the one I bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond, looks an awful lot like the ones everyone is suggesting. But I guess the quality of the metal can make or break it, literally. The button on mine completely pushed in and got lost. Odd.

I saw the one at Target, but it seems like it would be the same deal. I don't need it to hold things on a long term basis. It's just for photo shoots and transporting. There is a Container Store near me. But again, I suspect it's the same kind of rack.

Thanks everyone.