Coming soon to website and ebay!


VFG Member
Well I've finally remembered what a camera looks like.. have been busy with my antiques centre concession lately (and a child that kept getting ill - how inconvenient of him :( ), but am getting back on that horse...

I'll add more to this thread as I go along but here are a few swimwear related things to kick off the proceedings. thumbnails, so you need to click (sorry).

website bound, to be listed on Monday:

Have been struggling to get back in the swing of things, but am on a roll so will be back with more previews over the next few days!

Fabulous as always Harriet!!

I love your manni. Where did you find her? I guess in the UK, huh? Sure wish I could find something like that here.
Thanks guys! It's so hard to keep the momentum; sun came out today and instead of continuing my photographs I spent the day grappling with a very overgrown back garden.. Ah well, more tomorrow.

The wedding dress is approx a UK6/8 (so US 4/6) but being bias cut all over the shop it would be quite flexible. I'll let you know when it's up and measured properly - it's not perfect (chiffon needs stabilizing/replacing as at the very tops of the shoulder in parts as I see the beginnings of damage so I think if you were to wear it for a day it would tear) but the construction is amazing and the rest of it is in super shape. My mannequi is too tall for it!

Speaking of he mannequin, you're right Brenda - it was indeed a UK one but I think it was a cheap import . It is infact pretty poor quality compared to some I've seen. The base broke after a week and my Dad had to weld me a new one (hence me being unable to adjust the height)! I would dearly love a new one with legs - but I do like the pose this one has which is why I have stuck with her this long.

There's a place in holland that exports nice mannequins, I must look it up again and will post a link if I find it. They seemed really reasonable.