Confused: Style says 50s/Print says 60s?


Registered Guest
Hi everyone,

Ok, I'm trying to follow what I've learned from other threads... but what about this one?
Also, any suggestions on price?
<img src='' width=236 height=498 >
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It screams 1962 to me very loudly! It's very much the style of clothing worn by Marilyn Monroe in her final unfinished film Something's Got To Give.

love, moons and starrs,
Thanks again Senti :)
I'm still SO confused between the late 50s and 60s as far as dresses go :)
Very pretty! I'm thinking early 60s, too. I would probably start it at around $34.99 myself - but I'm not the queen of pricing by any means. Or maybe hold onto it until it's closer to easter? I think it would be a lovely easter dress.

I used to find it *impossible* to be able to tell between late 50s and early 60s until I started reading so many 60s magazines, and then I was so tuned into what looked good and what didn't in which season that I can usually tell by instinct what season something is from, and if something would be considered out of date or not.

It find it more difficult pinning things down between 63-66 if I'm not sure if it's American or British... there were lots of British styles that took a while to take off in the US, so if I can't place the designer it confuses me.

And if you asked me about aything pre-50s or post 75 I would be utterly confused. I guess it all depends what you're really into.

love, moons and starrs,
This REALLY made me think of Marilyn as well-- totally early 60's.

I'd use "Pink Roses" in the title.. both garner lots of hits.
That's gorgeous!! Definately get Roses into the title. Any vintage roses is always a hot seller. If I was listing it, I would say:

Vintage 60s Marilyn Style Pink Roses Wiggle Dress Bolero

I really, really like it!! :D
