Contentment Farm Lots on eBay

That's right, I've started listing the lots I've been working on. The first is 40s 50s and 60s day dresses and separates. The second is 40s through 60s suits, jackets and coats (very heavy). Both have an opening bit of $9.95 with no reserve so check them out!
Thanks Mary and Anne.

I know what you mean about the shoes Anne. They fit me too and I could wear them as long as I don't have to walk. I have a couple pair of platforms with matching purses that I so want to wear, the walking thing is a little easier in them but not much so I think I'll have to part with both of them too. Not yet but soon. I need time to let go of the idea of wearing them.
Nice looking lots, Candy!

I wore shoes with 3 1/2" heels to Ben's wedding in May and brought along flats to change into for the reception. I had no idea they had planned a receiving line after the ceremony in front of the church. I had to stand in those heels for nearly an hour, and could barely walk to the car at the end of it!
ypiippeeee..........look at all dem bids!!!!

You go girl!

Yahoo... there is vintage shopping world left in ebay!!!!!!!:drinkingtoast:
I'm watching them! & hoping to bid(If I can pull in sales ths week!) .
Good Luck!
Hope I'm out bid, for your sake & mine!:USETHUMBUP: