Cool New Eames stamps

I work in Zeeland MI (home of Herman Miller) and walked into the PO the other day and saw a sign that the new Eames stamps were in.
Needed stamps anyway so bought a sheet.
Almost hate to use them but the few things I still mail I like to use cool stamps.

USPS link to Eames Stamps
I like that her pix is larger than his since he got all the credit and she did most of the designs.

I like the diversity on the sheet, Claire
Originally posted by gaildavid
Hey, those are cool! And for those who don't last name is Eames, so how cool is that to have a stamp with your name on it??? :cool:


Well you need some for sure!
Any relation?
No kidding, Justine! I am still working off the set I have from two rate hikes ago. I keep having to get more 1cent'ers! :lol: