Cool... roulette chips jewelery


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My best friend is such a creative person in every way - and she was the one who told me to go ahead and try to make more of my "Willy-nillies"-collages, which I first made only for myself. She also always provides me with oodles of materials for them. Well, now it's for me to promote her :), because she has come up with an idea that's just as cool - jewelery made from roulette chips!

Being who she is, she has of course also invented a whole story to go with her "Chic Chips". Check out her Facebook page for them if you like (so far, there's no selling page yet - she first has to produce more stuff, after her "try out" worked):

You always try to figure out and create something very unique. That is how creativity develops. I like your great love about fashion...

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