cotton lawn dress, modern repro? or original?


Registered Guest
Oey dokey another one puzzling me.....(doesn't take much I hear you say :singing:)
feels like cotton lawn........I think the ribbon has been added later but I'm not sure, there are some tiny stitches but then there are huge stitches, so all in all I have no idea. I think it's an original piece that has been put back together or at least loose bits have been tags (again) and as for the poppers? bit new looking as they are so shiny, again stitched on.......this particular piece isn't my cup of tea and anything pre 1950s is a little out of my league......:help: thank you again, Sharon xx
vtg016.jpg lawn dress/

It looks like a late 1910's day dress. They are hard to find in good condition. Images of the construction details would help date it more closely.

HI Marian,
Oh how exciting :clapping: I didn't think it would have been that early. If you click on the link to the photobucket album then I have added several pictures of the stitiching, damage and details to that, I thought it was easier than filling this forum with lots of pics :cheer: thank you xx
Details are consistent with that time period. I am no authority on snaps (your poppers) but I believe rust proof ones, therefore shiny,
were available then.


Looks like an underdress or dress liner from an early 1920's dress to me. It appears very simple and is missing other parts or its overdress. It could be mid to late Teen's Era but it looks a bit later to me.

Hi Barbara,
Thank you.
I'm out of my depth with this one so I'm grateful for any advice and thoughts. If it were an underdress what would have gone over it and what is missing to give you this train of thought? thanks Sharon xx
I'm not an expert on this era of clothing, but I can see where Barbara is coming from. Except for the collar and cuffs, it looks "underfinished" as if the maker didn't bother with thinking about design because they knew most of the dress would be covered by something else that would do the lifting, design-wise.
I think this is the outer dress. It would have had an under dress of more opaque fabric, maybe cotton sateen. It seems very typical of the work of a home seamstress. Just because every one could sew doesn't mean they sewed well. Just getting it done was more important than design.

The poppers are in a side opening, right? I'm going to go against the grain and say '30s. The construction techniques are more of that era (which is to say that it's not as well made as I'd expect if it were teens or early '20s) and the style is a simple over dress as Marian says. Collars were very popular in the '30s - I love how it comes down to a point at the back.

Perhaps it had an over skirt at one time.

I can't even guess as to the date of this, but I agree that it looks as if it had an overskirt. I imagine a cotton camisole would have been worn under the top, or a or an all-in-one long petticoat under the entire thing.

I think the collar is lovely!