Could you tell me what these pleat-like things are called?


Staff member
VFG Past President
I know there is a name for this first. It is like an inverted pleat, stitched down, with a slit opening:


Then a stitched down pleat detail like this...what would you call it?


Finally, these over-the-shoulder pleats? I'm using pleat for lack of a better word...I'm sure you know what I'm referring to.


Thank you!
1. tucks. you could say "facing each other"
2. welt seam; it's a lapped seam top stitched to look like a tuck, probably faced since it is shaped.
3. If there is a pleat from the shoulder it is a flange. If not, it's a decorative tuck to look like a flange. C
Thank you Claire! I'm so glad you saw my questions!

(oh yes: stitched-down pleat = tuck)
This afternoon one of my tailoring students who is a professional patternmaker stopped by. I showed her the 3 designs. She called #2 a flange; I told her I wouldn't call it a flange--only #3.

Just goes to show there are lots of terms floating around.

I really enjoy VFG--the things I've learned and the friends I've made. Claire