Couture question

Sarara Brazil

Registered Guest
I have a client whose sister was a magazine editor in NYC and had lots of designer and couture. Her sister is 94 and has a few couture Dior suits and such. One is perplexing because it seems to have the couture paris navy tag- it's not numbered or dated though... The strange thing is it also has a international union tag. My thought was oh no she had such a pile and some tags were hanging and she secured a few ( she said) so was this on the ground with a few one of which was a non couture Dior and she sewed it on the wrong ones..... To much designer and couture.... She remembers wearing it and it being Dior... Would it ever happen where these two tags would meet? Thanks! It dates to the mid 60s if that helps!
It sounds not quite right, however, I don't want to commit to saying it's wrong - partly because there are so many different Dior tags it gets confusing.
Thanks I think so, but I agree so many tag combos. I checked with her she's like it was Dior we wore it, but again she's not an expert on whether it is couture and she is in her 90s and it was her sister's so I'm thinking we have a nice designer suit maybe Dior (it looks like it in style) but since it was made here? Maybe again she tacked back the wrong tag you know I mean with all those pieces. She mentioned tacking it back. I mean they wouldn't have sewn a thing like that in just fixing lining or something.... I think I'll just give up on this one unless someone has other ideas:) Thanks again!